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Characters of Old

Started by Wildfire, July 05, 2005, 08:44:30 PM

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*Okay, so the guys (the first set of players that ran in my campaign) were giving me static about their Characters not being profiled here. So, to honor those that existed long ago when Elsenban was in it's infancy here is the list of characters that have become forever emblazoned as definitive icons in the minds of those players that have so many stories(good and bad) to tell.

The Valley Adventure

Character (Race Class)- Player

Malcolm Wolfjaw (Human Ranger)- Ken Lipson
Levin Solarstar (Elf Thief)- Bob Young
Pak Savage (Human Cavalier)- Pat Buccela
Peregrin Heartstone (Human Paladin)- Bill Young
Stephen Fireblaze (Human Fighter)- Mike Bellerive
Topknot Lockpicker (Dragonlance Kender Thief)- George Young
Galan Ravenwood (Fighter/Magic User)- George Young
Kym Wolfjaw (Human Fighter)- NPC
Jasper Gemrock (Dwarf Fighter)-NPC
Zachary Clearwater (Human Druid)- NPC
Dustin Wrige (Human Ranger)- NPC
Blaize Vallensun (Cavalier)- NPC
Stormhunter (Firbolg Barbarian)- NPC
Quicksilver (Firbolg Barbarian)- NPC

The Shadow Riders Emerge (Valley Adventurers into Forgotten Realms)

Malcolm Wolfjaw (Human Ranger)- Ken Lipson
Travis Talespinner (1/2 Elf Bard)- Ken Lipson
Levin Solarstar (Elf Thief)- Bob Young
Pak Savage (Human Cavalier)- Pat Buccela/NPC
Stephen Fireblaze (Human Fighter)- Mike Bellerive
Topknot Lockpicker (Dragonlance Kender Thief)- George Young
Galan Ravenwood (Fighter/Magic User)- George Young
Kym Wolfjaw (Human Fighter)- NPC
Jasper Gemrock (Dwarf Fighter)-NPC
Zachary Clearwater (Human Druid)- NPC
Dustin Wrige (Human Ranger)- NPC
Sebastian Sylvanwood (Human Monk)- Mark Sylva
Ulryk (Human Barbarian)- Shawn Dearth

The Tower of Zebulon

Boone Zantarrus the Seeker (Human Bounty Hunter)- Bob Young
Dane McKeegan of the Clan Govannon (Human Wildlander)- Mark Sylva
Sir Haley McTavish (Human Fighter-Rank of Knight)- Ken Lipson
**Lee Victrula (Human Thief)- Ken Lipson
Karsyn Knightstar (Specialty Priest of Kossuth)- George Young
Biel-Tan (Elf Thief)- Jeff Nickerson
**Lorak Longridge (Dwarf Fighter/Cleric)- Jeff Nickerson
**Stefan Fireblaze (Human Fighter/Cleric)- Mike Bellerive

Red Sashes

Ossamaquin (1/2 Elf Fighter)- Greg Lessard
Shadow (Elf Ranger)- Ben Olivera
Enric Benzoa (Human Cavalier)- Mike Bellerive
Malizar MacLycson "Mac" (Gnome Thief-Burgular)- NPC
Ironbar (1/2 Orc Thief-Thug)- NPC
Adrian Tanglehair (Halfling Fighter/Thief)- NPC
Casey (Elf Thief)- NPC
Krax the Basher (Human Fighter-Brawler)- NPC
Bayan of Twilight (Human Psionicist)- NPC
Ramone (Human Fighter/Thief)- NPC

*This is by no means a complete list of the adventures or players that have been created or involved in my D&D career.

**These characters came in at the end (actually, towards the last session...the adventure is in an indefinate limbo) of the adventure.

For Those Days Past

There's not a single doubt in my mind that D&D would be very different for me were it not for these players and the wonderful characters that they created. I salute each and every one of you! It was all of you that put the jewels in the treasure hoard of memories that I so very fondly look back do we all. Real or imagined, we bled, sweat, and hurt to achieve some great things...and continue to do so. I learned as much from all of you as you learned from me. Thank You.

It's these adventures and characters that, through some magic of their own, taught us, on some level, friendship. After all, isn't that ultimately what the game is all about?

For Those Days Present

As I continue to be a part of the stories and carry on my own, I find that the current group of players I'm with do the very same thing that you did (and still do). Many great memories are again being forged in Forest Keep, Mid-Sea Isles, N'arth, and Threshold.

Players of old, please read the Game Logs and Character Discussions and join me in those memories.

One should never underestimate the stimulation of eccentricity


K9 is one of the most unbridled and enthusiastic players I've ever DM'd. When he's on he's in 12th gear but when he's off he goes in reverse.

He's tried my patience on several occasions but has also made me proud to be a DM. He loves a good adventure and if allowed will do some dynamic things within it. He's the sort of player that if he's given the ball will run with it all the way...provided he's in 12th gear.

One should never underestimate the stimulation of eccentricity


I saw that actually, and that's what I figured, since he had made no post yet. I sent him a welcome aboard email.


Actually, one of the "people of old" has signed up as Cosmic-K9. I believe that he is the latest member.

Last weekend (July 4th) I cruelly teased him with what was going on here on Griznuq. I also rallied about 3.5ed and pretty much made him a convert on the spot.

Right now he's in the Army stationed in Germany. I suspect that he just may get a book or two and start something in 3.5 over there. K9...are you listening pal?

One should never underestimate the stimulation of eccentricity


Tell your friends if they want something on here, then they need to sign up and post!