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Calling upon a Friend

Started by Wildfire, March 13, 2006, 08:12:58 PM

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"Change them into rats?" Maccabeus reflected. "That's not so common a disease that we run into it very often, but neither is it so rare that it's not heard of. Shankaria told me that there used to be a vast den of fox-men a day's trek north of our clan, but when they started into preying upon the Dale gnomes, my grandfather went up and beat them all dead. That was quite some time ago. Before I was born even, and there's been nothing seen nor heard from them since. Our big nemeses are giants and shadewolves. Is that kind of thing common here?" He asked curiously.
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"Stagdrake liked you. He'll see teaching you the art of leathering as a challenge. Y'know, just before you came here his son had a disease that would change him into a big rat. Has anything like that happened in your dalehome?" Ashe asked.
The three of them started up the incline that lead to the cliff overlooking the town. Travelers still stopped in Threshold on their way to the Valley but with the massive exodus Threshold seemed quiet by comparison to just a few days ago. The rediscovered space within the confines of this river valley was a breath of fresh air to the townsfolk. Ashe was visibly more comfortable today than he had been in the brief time Maccabeus had known him.

One should never underestimate the stimulation of eccentricity


"Stagdrake seems a kindly fellow." Maccabeus observed as the trio climbed the hill towards the Hunter's Lodge. "He certainly got a bit of entertainment out of my poor attempt at skinning, didn't he?" Maccbeus laughed at himself. "I told him I wasn't any good. I hope to take him up on his training, but that's really a secondary concern. Right now, I'm hungry."
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"I think that would be a good idea. That skin is starting to stink!" Ashe chuckled and the two walked on towards the Threshold. Along the way they passed several farm hands and all of them either nodded or gave their verbal acknowledgments. Ashe whispered, "They know me as the man that helps their crops grow with 'green thumb'. If they only knew that I actually work the blessings of Mahiya to make their crops grow the way they do. It's why I shroud my identity as a druid. I don't want to be celebrated for my divine connections and I want to keep the peace that I've earned in my service through the years." Ashe said quietly nodding and waving to the passer-bys.

One should never underestimate the stimulation of eccentricity


"A-ya." Maccabeus replied. "Breakfast sounds good. Do we stop by Stagdrake's first?"
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Ashe smiled and placed his hand on Maccabeus's slight shoulder and says, "Worry not'll do fine. Even I do not know when my time will come...but it will eventually. Yours will too. We return to Mahiya's fold when we have nothing left to learn and nothing to left to teach in this life. I still have much to teach and even more to learn."

Ashe looked out to the sky and took a deep breath. "I could do with some breakfast at Hunter' about you?" Ashe bends down to Wolf and scratches behind his ear. "I'm sure Wolf would love to have some more of that venison that he had the other night. Wouldn't you boy?"

One should never underestimate the stimulation of eccentricity


Maccabeus watched the Great Stag bound away, his eyes peering after it well beyond the time when it was gone. He continued to stare as Ashe spoke to him.

"I usually speak my mind." He said. "Sometimes I speak my heart. Today the Divinities have moved me to speak my soul. By Mahiya's will, I do hope that you remain for a long while yet. I've too much to learn, and apparently precious little time in which to learn it. Mahiya has blessed me with many gifts, but swift maturity is not one of them." He smiled widely as he said that.

"We share several honors, you and I, it seems. May we tread carefully and purposefully to the beat that Mahiya sets, that Her will be done, eh?"

Maccabeus peered about, as if seeing where they were anew. "A-ya." He quipped, lapsing into his native brogue. "'tis of certain a luvlee land tha' we b'long ta."
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The stag's eyes twinkled again with the fire of Kossuth as it looked at Maccabeus. It reared up upon its' hind legs it's great silver antlers and golden hide shimmering from the light filtering down through the trees. It then bounded down the road and faded away becoming part of the mist.

"Those are powerful words my little friend." Ashe remarked. "They are also pure and honest. Your passion will carry you through many trying times. I'm honored that you will be my successor when I have gone to Mahiya's great forest."

One should never underestimate the stimulation of eccentricity


"Your message is as water upon the bloom of my soul." Maccabeus said to the Great Stag. "My belief in the Great Cycle is reaffirmed, and my dedication to the Balance is reinforced. As it has been, so shall it be. I will hunt the vile and protect the true children of the Cycle. As my forebears swore, so too do I swear to act upon the bidding of the Divinities and their chosen ones. I will act with honor in the best interest of the Great Cycle. I will protect those in need, and punish those of foul deed. Let the will of Mahiya be my wisdom. Let the villainous followers of the nameless one be upon Grummish's anvil that I might whelm them with Akadi's maul, cleanse them with Kossuth's fire, and wash them away with Beloved Istisha's  essence. Let the foul ones quiver with fear."
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A twinkle flashed from the eyes of the stag as he looked at Maccabeus. Although the stag had said nothing, Maccabeus came to inherently understand its' message. Maccabeus suddenly felt that he had a special purpose in being here. He had a mission to help protect Mahiya and its essence...the essence of life.

He felt connected in a way that he didn't fully understand yet but would soon enough. He knew that the agents of Zyxu would seek harm upon his beloved Vallenwood friend and that the Valley would once again be threatened. To his unexpected realization he knew that one day Ashe would pass on and that he was chosen to take his place. He came to see that Wolf considered him a member of the pack and would gladly die to protect him. The insight that Maccabeus came to understand was bittersweet. Knowledge of the future always is.

The stag lifted it's majestic head and looked to Ashe. Ashe also stared into the eyes of the stag. It seemed that he was becoming hypnotized. He stared wide-eyed and soon Ashe nodded his head apparently understanding his message.

The stag looked back to Maccabeus as if it wanted to say something.

One should never underestimate the stimulation of eccentricity


A deep and abiding calm settled upon Maccabeus. As the Great Stag drew near Maccabeus held his hands wide, palm up, in supplication. He breathed deep of the icon's sweet breath.

"Praise to Mahiya and her Divine Children." He murmured his greeting in the ancient tongue. "I am Maccabeus, born of the Dale, child of the land, friend of the beasts and of the plants, Servant of the Divinities. He pulled open the collar of his heavy shirt, revealing the sacred symbol there. A small light glowed from the four moons.

Maccabeus felt the pulse of the Vallenwood then, beating up from the ground, through his legs and buttocks, upon which he still sat. It seemed as though the lifeblood of the forest drummed in his ears. He was indeed a child of the land...
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The stag approached Maccabeus, Ashe and Wolf. The size of this magnificent creature was gigantic. Ashe was barely as tall as the lower part of it's shoulder. Maccabeus looked all the shorter by camparison.

The Stag walked up to Maccabeus. Wolf, although normally defensive, allowed the great stag to approach closely. The stag lowered it's head to Maccabeus and sniffed with curiosity. It's black nose was the size of Maccabeus's face and Maccabeus could feel the warm breath of the creature. The nose was so close to him that he could see the light shining off of the moisture of it.

Ashe looked up and down the road. The light poked through the leaves and cast the silky mist into a white glow. Oddly there were no field workers on the road when normally there would be at this part of the morning. Ashe considered that circumstance a blessing by design.

One should never underestimate the stimulation of eccentricity


Maccabeus crept back to consciousness. Something was amiss, but the cobwebs in his mind forbade him from grasping it. Wolf was licking him solicitously.

"I'm awake." He protested weakly. He noted through bleary eyes that they were not at their increasingly familiar campsite.

"Come, come." Ashe was speaking. Maccabeus sat up with effort, remembering the skin tied to his back, and Wolf backed, looking at the disoriented gnome. They were on the road, but exactly where eluded him. "Turn around, already." Ashe spoke urgently.

As he cast about, looking for whatever threat might be looming, he saw the Great Stag. Much like what Ashe had looked like on that eve of Istisha's Blessing, except this one bore no markings upon its chest, as Ashe had when he had taken this magnificent form. Now, like on that night, Maccabeus's heart quickened and his mind swam, trying to come to grips with his fortune at being witness to such a profound array of holy events and rites. Somewhere in the back of his mind, he thought that all of Elsenban must now be on the brink of a new Age. An Age where the legends of old might pass their legacy onto a new generation.

A generation of new Vallenwoods. A generation of new hopes. A generation of new servants of the Divinities. Tears brimmed over the lips of his eyes as he looked into the deep, soulful eyes of the Great Stag.
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Wolf immediately came over to investigate the situation with his 'brother'. Ashe looked over upon hearing the *thud* of the impact. He then moved to help Maccabeus up and Wolf stood over him defensively with a fixed stare at Ashe.

"Oh Great Grandtree! I'm not going to hurt him. Just lick his face and wake him up...he won't want to miss this...neither will you. So be quick of it"

Wolf poked at Maccabeus with his large nose revealing his face. At once Wolf began to bath him with his wet, invasive tongue.

One should never underestimate the stimulation of eccentricity


Maccabeus's world turned black as he swooned and fell flat to his face.
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