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Wolves on the Hunt

Started by Wildfire, June 27, 2006, 08:25:11 PM

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Kym and Wolf continued to howl, beckoning the local pack that she had come to regards as family. The Vallenwood sang out in rythme and rhyme with Maccabeus's tribal dance.

Through the words of Vallen's 'woodsong' he began to impart to Maccabeus subliminal secrets and messages to him. So subtle were they that Maccabeus would not know he was hearing them. But the Vallenwood knew full well that when it came time for Maccabeus to achieve his next stages of understanding his heart and soul would be nearly deafened by the wisdom of the woodsong. This was a teaching that has taken place for thousands of years.

Satisfied that their message was heard Kym stopped howling. She reached for her waterskin when she saw Wolf casually walk to the center pool of the Ring and drink from it. "Hmm...not a bad idea..." she thought. She sat down next to the pool and centerstone, dipped her hands into the water and drank.

In the distance she could see Maccabeus in the throws of his ritual dance. She felt so at ease in his and Wolf's company. Although socially eloquent with the townsfolk, and much loved by them, she felt more at home in the wild. Maccabeus and Wolf were from the wild. They made more sense to her.

Kym poked around the Ring and looked over the carving on the stones and before she knew where the time had gone, she heard a familiar yip to the north of the ring. Wolf instantly bounded towards the sound and the brambles began to open for him. Wolf's tail was angled high and his trot was strong and proud. Kym could tell that Wolf had already met this pack.

One should never underestimate the stimulation of eccentricity


Maccabeus placed his palms upon the ever widening trunk of the Vallenwood and listened to the rhythm there, attuning himself with it as he now did every morning. He thought that Vallenwood looked forward to commencing the morning ritual as much as he himself did.

The chant that Maccabeus shared with Vellenwood was on this day more primal than others. Perhaps because of Kym's and Wolf's howling, perhaps because of the knowledge that wolfkin were on their way and would be introduced to the Ring of Mists.

Whatever the reason, Maccabeus's bare feet thumped a little more soundly upon the turf, and his body spun a little more randomly than usual. The break from the dance of the last few days was welcome to Maccabeus, who never liked to fall into rote patterns. This day was decidedly different.
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Kym, suddenly posed with the idea of calling her pack said, "Oh, that's a great idea! It'll take some time for them to get here. Meanwhile you can commune with Mahiya. They should be here when you finish. Not to mention that I would like to speak with Mahiya as my own way of course. Mom said that someday she'd teach me to speak the cant and become a Mystic like her. Both my parents want me to have a foot on each of the paths they've taken. So when my training is done I'll be a Vallenwood Mystic and a Warrior of the Wolf. What would I be then...a Mystic of the Wolf?"

"A Vallenwood Wolf, perhaps?" Maccabeus suggested.

Kym's voice trailed off towards the Ring of Mists and just before Maccabeus went into his meditative dance he could hear Kym's wolf howl. Wolf himself quickly joined in the wild dirge and the cries echoed out through the predawn morning in perfect harmony. It was almost as if the Dale, the clans, and the packs had come all this way to be with Maccabeus.

One should never underestimate the stimulation of eccentricity


Maccabeus stammered a bit. It hadn't occurred to him that Kym wouldn't know. But if she didn't know, then Ashe must have purposefully kept it a secret, and why the Elder might do that he didn't know, and wouldn't want to transcend.

"If you don't mind, m'lady, I'd like to check with...where I got it to see if that information is alright to share. But we have to assume that the remarkable growth evident in this babe is in part because of where it's planted. I was thinking on traveling to the Valley for another, but I don't know if that's going to be a possibility."

He cast about the Ring for other sites to steer the conversation towards. "You see here that there is a fount to each of the Divinities, and to Mahiya herself. All of these founts feed Vallenwood." He traced the dimly lit rivulets that ran from the founts to the moat that circumscribed the trunk of the Vallenwood tree.

"Please, look about. I've got to meditate to start my day. Wolf can keep you company if you like. You might even call to your pack to bring them here so we can ask if they would help us." He suggested.
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Kym nodded her head, "I certainly do."

"There are many generations of noble blood in me. I'm decended from the founding members The Order of Elsenban. Many would call them heroes but they were not the sort to see themselves as such. It was my grand matron and her brother, my grand uncle that actually helped to bring the Valley from it's darkness. Though my blood may be considered above royalty I just see myself as Kym. Happy to run with wolves and sit in the light of Kossuth"

Kym sat down on the soft moss and continued, "My mother was at one time a student of Ashe's and like my dad, is decended from the Order. She too is a Vallenwood Ashe. Right now she's in Kaaryn'Zyth on special purpose. What that is neither she or my Dad will say...just that it's important."

She looked over to Wolf and gestured and groaned. Just as Maccabeus had seen her do before she spoke Wolfish. To Maccabeus's ears it was fluent and flawless. Wolf got up and came over to Kym. She opened her pack and pulled out several strips of meat. "See, I told you before that when we went hunting I'd bring you some..."

She glanced back to Maccabeus,"So the Vallenwood lulls you to sleep? That's nice. Now, I thought that the Vallens were only now in the Valley and in Kaaryn'Zyth. Yet, you said that you planted this one just eight days ago? Where did you get the seed may I ask?"

One should never underestimate the stimulation of eccentricity


"Your mother speaks the ancient cant?" Maccabeus was a bit surprised at this revelation, but then he smiled and laughed a bit. "Figures: another pool of nobility in you! And you wear it well."

He closed his eyes and breathed deep of the early morning air. "Yes," he answered at last. "Vallenwood speaks to me in our cant. I can hear him as far off as Threshold itself. He dances with me, lullabies me, and teaches me daily. Ashe, Wolf, Jarmok (no doubt a good friend of yours, given your similar natures) and I planted the seedling that has become this great tree. That was a mere eight days ago."

His sapphire eyes shone up at her. "This is my home." He said simply. "You can imagine why I might want to enlist the wolves to help me protect it."
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Kym's hand rested gently upon the bark skin of the the majestic tree. She closed her eyes and and a calm came over her. She whispered, "I..I think it's...yes, it's singing! It sings in the ancient language of my mother and of Ashe. Though I do not know what it says. I can feel it's's very love of all that it carries a wisdom that spans the ages long before even the elves..."

Kym gently pulled her hand away and looked down to Maccabeus. Wolf was nearby lying down watching the events before him sniping at the occasional insect. "I'm not sure I have words for...Maccabeus? Does it speak to you?"

One should never underestimate the stimulation of eccentricity


"Fate...Divine planning...yes. I'd have to say that there is a tome within which a divine hand scribes our meeting and our future." Maccabeus answered. "And yes, the Divinities have smiled rather profoundly upon me and upon Wolf. I can think of no greater compliment to the ingredients that comprise the sum of my being."

He took up her hand and led her towards the great Vallenwood tree saying, "Place your palm upon his bark. You can feel his power. Born but a short while ago, he is as ancient as the land. You can see why I might want your wolf friends to aid me in my defense of this place." He placed her palm upon the Vallenwood and pressed his smaller hand over hers; he watched her face to see if she could hear his musings as the outlander Jarmok had heard the voice of the seedling.
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The brambles opened up into a large glen. The glow from the Vallenwood lit up the immediate area of the founts. The bubbling springs also had a slight luminousity to them especially the spring of Kossuth.

The Vallenwood had grown ever taller and wider in girth as it had been doing daily. Never had a tree grown so quickly before but this was no ordinary tree and this was no ordinary place. This was divine ground dedicated to the parent of Nature and Life, Mahiya.

As Kym entered the grove Maccabeus could her the breath escape from Kym's lips. The green glow of the Vallenwood lit her dazzled face. Her mouth dropped open and she stared about in a sort of hypnotic trance. To the southerly end of the leafy chamber Kym could see the Ring of Mists standing as stones amidst the ever present fog that surrounded this sacred ground. She was truly in awe.

"'s so...magnificent! The pools , the Ring, the Vallenwood...all of it is just...Great Mahiya!" Kym looked around briefly completely dumbfounded until she could understand her current surroundings. She took in a breath and said, "Mahiya and the Four must smile upon you to give you the charge of this beautiful grove. It seems a grand fit as your great sire was also chosen amongst others for a special charge. I suppose it was fate for us to meet, eh?"

One should never underestimate the stimulation of eccentricity


Maccabeus's eyes opened wide at Kym's question. "Words?" He echoed hollowly. "Customs? Hehe...I asked Ashe a similar question upon my first (well second) visit into Threshold. But no, there aren't." He began to walk slowly down the thick-sodden path that Bramble had made for them, trusting her to follow. "As long as I let you in, Bramble will let you in as well. He and I have become rather close this past half-a-fortnight. The only thing to bear in mind here - and I don't truly feel that I have to tell you - is that this is a sacred place, especially to Gnarcheon, and peace is the order for this shrine. Watch how Bramble closes up behind us as we go deeper; he protects this holy place." They were walking very slowly as Maccabeus spoke; Kymberly was looking about the botanical corridor along which they walked. At Maccabeus's urging she turned to see Bramble sealing their path behind them, its movements making a soft sound like a strong wind in the branches of the trees. She took an involuntary step backward and Bramble moved to close the path a little further, causing her to gasp and take yet another step, whereupon Bramble closed yet further.

"He won't close upon us." Maccabeus said. "Come along. The Ring awaits." Wolf stepped sidelong into Kym, jarring her eyes away from the fluid shrubbery behind them. "Come along." Maccabeus repeated. "This is a most wonderful place!" He turned and led the way further towards the Ring of Mists.
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Kym grinned from ear to ear and eagerly said, "To be honest, I was hoping you'd ask that! And I'm certainly willing to wait for you to convene with Mahiya. It'll give me a chance to look around."

Kym looked up wide eyed taking in the surroundings of the thorn guarded entrance. She breathed deep and whispered, "Trumpetblooms...". Maccabeus could see her fingers twitching with excitement and as she stepped forward to the entrance she asked, "Is there any sort of custom to be followed or words to be spoken when I enter?"

One should never underestimate the stimulation of eccentricity


Maccabeus breathed more easily upon seeing Kym, and more easily still upon her invitation for a hunt.

"Thank goodness." He sighed. "I don't get too many visitors here, especially so early in the day; I was worried for a moment." He smiled up at the young lady.

"It seems as good a time for a hunt as any." He agreed. "But I can't go until I've greeted the day properly. Plus, now that you're here you should come in and see my new home...and I'll introduce you to Vallenwood." He stood aside and held his arms wide in invitation. "Won't you come in whilst I prepare myself? It'll take but a hand."
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Wolf trotted effortlessly towards the familiar call of his kind. The brambles opened up keeping pace with Wolf's progress. As the thorns parted thick grass sprouted on the ground carpeting the soil as Wolf landed his large paws.

Maccabeus did his best to keep pace with Wolf but was quickly outdistanced. Soon he could see Wolf greeting a crouched, hooded figure who's eyes reflected the waning light of the divine moons. It was Kym!

A girlish laugh met Maccabeus's ears as Wolf licked Kym's face. Wolf knocked her back on her rump and Kym began to playfully wrestle with him.

As Maccabeus got closer Kym looked to him and said, "Ah, Maccabeus! I knew you two were around here somewhere!" Kym stood up and brushed the dirt and leaves off of her. "So, are you ready to hunt? Wolf here seems overly eager." She scratched his neck, "Don'tcha, boy...yes, you doooo!"

One should never underestimate the stimulation of eccentricity


[color=green:363752b34b]What's that Wolfy? Sayer fell in the well?  :lol: [/color]

Through bleary eyes and mind, Maccabeus understood that he had a visitor. Grumbar was well on its decent and was dipping below the westwall. A gentle breeze carressed the thick grasses of the Ring of Mists and blew the now-sparse embers of his small cook-fire to feeble life.

"Still a while before Kossuth arrives." He mumbled, rubbing his sleep-filled eyes and trying to stumble to his feet, which seemed so far away right then. "Go see who it is, Wolf." He said. "They might be in trouble." As Wolf sprang forward, Maccabeus cast about, grabbed his sturdy short spear and ran off bare-chested, following his brother through the venue that Bramble cleared for him.
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Wolf got up and Maccabeus?s head plopped unceremoniously onto his mossy bed waking him as well. He could hear the now familiar bubbling of water from the sacred founts and could see a dull green glow shimmering inside Vallen. Almost as a whisper he could hear Vallen singing a soft operatic lullaby.

Vallen had grown considerably in the last few days and was nearing the height of the other trees. Recently the other trees seemed as though they were far more vibrant than normal. Their leaves were dark and lush and well ahead of their seasonal growth, Maccabeus had noted.

Wolf had walked to the north side of the blessed grove and Maccabeus, upon hearing a wolf yip, now understood why.

One should never underestimate the stimulation of eccentricity